Wrap-up: That's all for the 2008 parade, so the rest of this post is tucked away under the "continue reading" link below. Check back frequently for my normal blog posts, updated (almost) daily, and periodic live-blog events. Have a suggestion for something I should cover? E-mail me at Noah.Zaves@gmail.com. Feedback is welcome too. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
11:55 am: Why is Macy's asking us to believe in Santa Claus? Is it because nobody has the money to buy their own presents, so we should just trust that presents will appear on Christmas Day? I heard a piece on the radio this morning about how to explain to your children that "Santa has limits too," and he can't necessarily bring everything he's asked for.
11:52 am: Andy Williams is so awesome that he doesn't even pretend to use a microphone. He can just chill there and look like he's projecting his voice all the way out to the stands and cameras. From the looks of it, he really believes that he can do it. Ironically, he's the best lip-syncher I've seen all morning.
11:49 am: I LOVE Kermit the Frog. He's got a really cute float, too, sitting on a log under a bridge surrounded by kids, but the subject matter? "I believe in Santa Claus"? Complete with a legion of kids all clutching their hearts and pledging allegiance to Santa? I don't know if I can support that sort of mixing.