Dr. Atomic - in a movie theater!

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Tomorrow morning, I'm heading up to Portland to watch the Metropolitan Opera's live broadcast of Dr. Atomic, John Adams' awesome new opera (I think it premiered during my freshman year here). John Adams is a minimalist composer, which is SO COOL, and he also writes about contemporary historical events. Tight.

This opera in particular is about J. Robert Oppenheimer, the "father of the atomic bomb," and his friends at the Manhattan Project in the 40's. What a thing to write an opera about!

While we're talking about the Met, you can Ask Figaro if you need help deciding which opera to see. It's a really fun quiz. Check it out!

I saw another of John Adams' operas in person, a couple years back. The Portland Opera performed Nixon in China, which was a total trip. The minimalist music, plus the incredible staging, made for a fabulous performance.

Fabulous was the "word on the street" this morning on Sesame Street. The yellow monster said that it means "wonderful."

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