A Christmas Carol, high school style

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Last night, I saw the South Salem High School production of A Christmas Carol. It's a nice story. I'd never seen or read it before, so I was pretty impressed with its morals. I didn't even mind the whole Christmas thing too much, since the play made me feel so warm and cheery.

One notable moment was at the beginning, when all the cast members walked up and down the aisles wishing audience members "Merry Christmas" in what I suppose were British accents. One girl I've met before (she's a friend of the kids in the Jewish youth group, and also the daughter of one of my professors) told me "Merry Christmas" as she passed by, then she popped back about five seconds later to wish me "Happy Chanukah." :-) It was so thoughtful, and it made me really happy

I was impressed that they had an orchestra there, and it added a lot to the performance. It set the mood really well, and it improved the scene changes. It was simple music, but it sounded great, and the orchestra played it without a conductor!

Finally, I have to relate two ads in the program. Some ads were from local businesses, but some were from parents and family members. One was from a friend: Next to a picture, it said "This is (name removed). If you are embarrassed for her, so am I. Don't be surprised if she precedes every statement with the words I DECIDED. (Name) enjoys ripping her pants at dances, has terribly stinky feed, says weird phrases like 'meh hehhh,' and never ever stop splaying solitaire. Despite all this, she's my best friend. (Friend's name) loves you, (Name)! P.S. She needs to find a boyfriend TODAY!" It occurred to me that this is a great way to advertise one's need for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Since you're not writing the ad yourself, you don't look desperate, plus you get a friend's good word to vouch for you. This technique might have a future with me...

The second ad simply says "Kate - we always knew that talking was going to be what you do best. Nice to see that we were right. - Love, Mom & Dad"

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