Normally I pick a fun t-shirt to wear, and then I choose a sweatshirt to match. I would, say, wear a bright turquoise shirt on a cloudy day, and complement it with a green or red sweatshirt for the pop and contrast. But for the past three weeks, I've done it differently:
I broke the time up into three one-week sections, to correspond with my three colors of sweatshirt: Red, Green, and Blue. Then, in each one-week section, I chose a sequence of t-shirt colors and designs to logically complement the week's sweatshirt, ending of course with a pink shirt on Saturday. Here's what I've got so far:
Week One: Red Sweatshirt
Monday - Orange t-shirt
Tuesday - Pink t-shirt
Wednesday - Maroon t-shirt
Thursday - Yellow with orange tie-dye
Friday - Turquoise "Zaves@8" t-shirt with yellow lettering
Saturday (Shabbat) - Pink t-shirt, like always
Week Two: Green Sweatshirt
Sunday: Yellow "MATT3" shirt with turquoise and lime green design
Monday - Sky-blue collar shirt with periodic white stripes
Tuesday - Green t-shirt
Wednesday - Orange t-shirt
Thursday - Purple "Adventure Day Camp" t-shirt with green lettering
Friday - Light blue "Dynamite Wednesday" t-shirt with orange and yellow decal
Saturday (Shabbat) - Pink t-shirt
Week Three: Navy Sweatshirt
Sunday - Yellow t-shirt with iron-on peace sign decal (red and blue)
Monday - Red "Wulapalooza Event Staff" t-shirt with white decals
Tuesday - Green and white-striped collar shirt with periodic blue stripes
Wednesday - Turquoise w/white lettering: "The more you read, the more you know"
Thursday - Yellow t-shirt with red and blue peace sign decal (this one with blue rings on the sleeves instead of grey)
Friday (today) - Grey shirt with colored decal: "Dance the night away"
Tomorrow - Pink t-shirt