Is Campbell's Cheddar Soup a Scam?

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On Monday night, I made a pot of Campbell's cheddar soup, with egg noodles to boot. Imagine my surprise when it wasn't as good as their tomato or potato soups!

Let me preface this by explaining my love for tomato soup. It's delicious on a cold dreary day, and (remarkably) on hot and happy ones as well. Always better with egg noodles.

So, soup was on sale. I like cheddar cheese, so how could cheddar soup be bad? (This logic worked perfectly well, by the way, with 'New York Cheddar" Kettle Chips.) Turns out that some things just aren't meant to be made into soup. In fact, even once cooked and mixed with noodles, it still wasn't terribly soupy. It felt a little like someone melted down cheddar cheese, and mixed in some milk. Which very well could be the case.

I dearly love cheese, and my love for soup is incomparable. But if I ever again get the urge to combine them, I'll make sure to have another ingredient in there too. You know, just for flavor. And texture. And color.

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Noah actually wants TASTE and TEXTURE AND COLOUR in his food? What's going on with you? I recall quite clearly many Goudy dinners of just. plain. egg noddles. and maybe some cheddar cheese (yes cheddar cheese is great). Do you cook more now that you're in the apts?