Party in the Shul!

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Shalom, shalom! Tonight at Temple Emanuel in San Francisco, the Sway Machinery is presenting a special Rosh Hashanah concert. My dad nearly had a conniption when he heard that the concert is on the second night of Rosh Hashanah, but I explained to him that it's a critical opportunity to unite the young Jewish adults of the Bay Area, at a time when a growing number are increasingly disconnected from the religious establishment.

Look for more on the Sway Machinery after I've seen the show, but the preview on their web site sounds way cool. It's also fun to see who I know at the event, since Bay Area Jews tend to attend large-scale events in huge numebrs to represent their organizations. (When I went to a similar party celebrating Chanukah last year, I saw way many people from Camp Tawonga, Midrasha, and other groups.) By the way, if you're free tonight, open bar at 9 and free show at 10. See you there!

Speaking of Rosh Hashanah, this from Moment Magazine's blog:


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This is what makes me love this site This is a very interesting article. I enjoyed reading it.